Nano influencers: The unexpected powerhouses of the new media era

By Murray Legg
The media landscape is undergoing a radical transformation, and at its forefront are the most unexpected of players: nano influencers. Unlike their micro, macro and celebrity counterparts, these everyday creators are reshaping how information is shared and consumed, offering a level of trust and authenticity that traditional media and larger influencers often lack.
theSalt, a leading influencer marketing platform, saw this transformation coming. Specialising in nano influencers, theSalt empowers these small but mighty creators with the resources, data, and partnerships they need to thrive. The platform is helping to shape a new media paradigm in which ordinary people have extraordinary influence.
Traditional Media’s Decline in the Face of a New Age
For years, information was controlled by the few who owned the channels of distribution—be it newspapers, TV stations, or radio networks. But in the age of social media, this top-down approach is crumbling. Content no longer flows from a few powerful media houses to the masses; it emerges organically, driven by countless small-scale creators who bring fresh perspectives and stories directly to their communities.
Nano influencers, with their small but loyal followings, are particularly adept at capturing attention in this new media landscape. Unlike traditional journalists or even large-scale influencers, nano influencers share their lives, opinions, and passions with a high level of relatability and trust that big media can’t match. Their content feels like a conversation with a friend rather than a broadcast from an unknown entity.
theSalt: Championing the nano influencer movement
theSalt recognised early on that nano influencers offer something unique: a high level of engagement and authentic connection with their followers. These are creators with smaller followings—usually between 1,000 and 5,000 followers—but their impact is powerful precisely because they are seen as genuine, trustworthy voices in their communities. The platform’s mission is to equip these creators with the tools and partnerships they need to amplify their influence without compromising their authenticity.
By focusing on data-driven matchmaking between brands and nano influencers, theSalt ensures that campaigns reach the right audiences in a way that feels organic and engaging. This new model proves that size doesn’t always matter; in fact, when it comes to trust and influence, smaller can often be better.
Why nano influencers are gaining ground
Nano influencers are not just small players in a big game; they are redefining the rules of the game itself. Their power lies in their close-knit communities, where every like, comment, and share carries more weight. These influencers are relatable—they’re neighbours, colleagues, friends, and everyday people who share experiences that resonate deeply with their audiences.
Consider a recent example: During the local elections in Johannesburg, a group of nano influencers used Instagram Stories to document their voting experiences and discuss local issues that mattered to them and their communities. While mainstream media provided general election coverage, these nano influencers delivered a more personal, relatable narrative that struck a chord with their followers. Within hours, these stories had been viewed by thousands, sparking discussions and driving engagement in ways that traditional media outlets struggled to achieve.
Economic impact and brand engagement
The creator economy has grown exponentially, now valued at over $21.1 billion globally. Brands are beginning to understand that the authenticity and trust nano influencers provide can lead to higher engagement rates, more meaningful interactions, and better ROI compared to traditional advertising or even partnerships with larger influencers.
This shift is reflected in how marketers allocate their budgets. More brands are moving away from big-ticket celebrity endorsements and instead investing in nano influencers who offer a more targeted and authentic reach. TheSalt’s data shows that campaigns featuring nano influencers typically result in increased engagement, highlighting the unique value these creators bring to the table.
A new approach to content and commerce
As the lines between content and commerce continue to blur, nano influencers are becoming the ultimate brand advocates. They do not just promote products—they tell stories that integrate seamlessly into their everyday lives, making them much more persuasive than scripted ads. This authentic, story-driven approach helps brands cut through the noise and build deeper relationships with consumers.
Platforms like theSalt are essential in this landscape, offering nano influencers the tools they need to expand their reach while staying true to their unique voices. theSalt’s focus on data and strategy helps nano influencers connect with brands that align with their values and interests, ensuring authenticity is preserved while opportunities grow.
The future of media is small and mighty
The rise of nano influencers marks a shift toward a more decentralised, community-driven media model. Traditional media, with its slow turnaround times and impersonal approaches, find it increasingly difficult to keep up with the immediacy and relatability that nano influencers provide. This isn’t just a passing trend; it’s the future of how we consume, share, and engage with content.
Brands and marketers who embrace this shift will find themselves well-positioned in this new landscape. The future of media is small, connected, and authentic—and it’s being shaped by the nano influencers who turn everyday moments into powerful stories.
Murray Legg
Murray Legg, Head of Strategy at Webfluential, a digital platform linking influencers with brands.