Utilizing Data Analytics in Influencer Marketing

By Tammy Visagie
The FNB Stadium, also known as Soccer City, is a multi-purpose stadium located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is the largest stadium in Africa and has a capacity of 94,736 spectators. The stadium is primarily used for soccer matches and was the venue for the 2010 FIFA World Cup final.
Soccer City's crowd capacity of 94,736 makes it one of the largest stadiums in the world, and the largest in Africa. This capacity was reached after the 2009 renovation, which added more seats to the stadium.
One of the most notable events held at the FNB Stadium was the 2010 FIFA World Cup final, which was watched by an estimated 700 million people worldwide. The final was contested by Spain and the Netherlands, with Spain emerging as the champions. The FNB Stadium's impressive crowd capacity was instrumental in hosting such a large-scale event, with fans from all over the world travelling to South Africa to witness the tournament's culmination.
What does all of this have to do with theSalt?
What if you had the ability to interview every single person in a packed-to-capacity FNB Stadium, and find out about who they were, what they liked, and where they lived?
Now, imagine doing that for 4 games in a row
We manage and train 340K+ Real Influencers in South Africa, and by connecting with real influencers throughout South Africa, businesses can establish more meaningful relationships with their target audiences and achieve better returns on investment. Real influencers can provide valuable insights into the interests, preferences, and lifestyles of their followers, enabling businesses to create content that is more tailored and relevant to their audience. Through these connections, businesses can produce a large volume of content across various media platforms, reaching a wider audience and increasing engagement.
The use of real influencers has allowed for the creation of 126K+ pieces of content, and this number continues to grow. By partnering with influencers who truly resonate with their audience, businesses can maximise their reach and impact, leading to greater success and growth. These relationships not only provide value to the business but also to the influencer and their followers. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement where the influencer can continue to provide quality content while receiving compensation for their efforts.
In the world of marketing, having a large number of followers as an influencer does not necessarily translate to success for a brand. The key factor that really matters is the level of engagement and relevance that an influencer has with their audience. That is why our approach to matching influencers with brands is data-driven. We collect a wealth of data on each Real Influencer, including their shopping habits, family and lifestyle details, vehicle ownership, banking information, and loyalty card usage.
With more than 70 data points on each Real Influencer, we can offer a deep dive into consumer insights, which is supported by our online quizzes. This information provides valuable insights into what makes the influencer's audience tick and allows us to identify which influencers are the best match for a particular brand. Through our rigorous approach, we can ensure that the influencer and the brand have a strong alignment, resulting in a more authentic and engaging marketing campaign.
The true value of an influencer lies in their ability to engage and resonate with their followers. The mere size of their audience is not enough to guarantee success for a brand. At our agency, we focus on collecting and analysing a range of data points to ensure that we are pairing brands with influencers that truly align with their values and that their audience is genuinely interested in the content being shared. This approach has been successful in delivering meaningful results for our clients, and we believe it is the key to creating impactful and effective marketing campaigns.
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Tammy Visagie
Tammy has 10+ years’ experience in sales and marketing as a Digital Account Manager. She subsequently held senior positions in media and tech companies before starting her journey at theSalt.